ACSIVE无动力步行赋力器(ACTIVE unpowered walking power generator)
ACSIVE无动力步行赋力器是名古屋工业大学佐野明人教授以 10 余年来研究阐明的“被动步行”理论为基础,开发的 一款无需马达及电源的步行赋力装备,并于 2014 年在全球首发。这几年中经过大量步行障碍及下肢无力人群的使用,从中获得大量数据,不断迭代升级。于 2020 年 2 月获得国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)批准正式引进我国。
The ACTIVE unpowered walking power device is a walking power device developed by Professor Akira Satano of Nagoya University of Technology based on the "passive walking" theory, which has been studied and elucidated for more than 10 years. It does not require a motor or power supply and was first launched globally in 2014. In recent years, a large amount of data has been obtained from the use of people with walking disabilities and lower limb weakness, and has been continuously iterated and upgraded. It was officially introduced to China in February 2020 with the approval of the National Drug Administration (NMPA).
Application Scope
Used for assisting walking or standing in rehabilitation training for patients with mobility disorders.
The world's first unpowered walking booster
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