
News and information

  • 08-08 2023
    8月8日,一场主题名为“冰爽愈伤痛”的来华留学生归国创业体验与培训活动在京火热进行!本次活动由华语时代来华留学生之家总部与北京永顺康泰科技发展有限公司联合举办,共汇聚了来自博茨瓦纳、厄立特里亚、印度尼西亚、伊拉克、肯尼亚、马来西亚、马里、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、塔吉克斯坦、赞比亚12个国家的14名在华留学生参加。 On August 8th, a hot entrepreneurship experience and training event for future-returning international students in China, themed "Cooling Healing Pain," was held in Beijing! This event was jointly organized by The Headquarters of the International Student Alliance in China and Beijing Yongshun Kangtai Science and Technology Co. Ltd., and gathered 14 students from 12 countries, including Botswana, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Malaysia, Mali, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Tajikistan, and Zambia.           &nbs...